March 11, 2025
On behalf of the Board of Directors and our interim Executive Director team we are pleased to announce the promotion of Kayla Blotski to the position of Executive Director of MSVI. Kayla has been a dedicated and knowledgeable member of our team, consistently demonstrating the skills and commitment necessary to lead MSVI in a positive direction. We believe in promoting from within the organization when possible and Kayla's promotion reflects our confidence in her abilities to guide our organization forward.
December 9, 2024
Amidst the hustle and bustle of this festive season, it's a great time to pause and reflect on the past year, the experiences and changes that 2024 brought, and then look to the future with optimism and curiosity of what 2025 has in store.
The Board of Directors at MSVI recently had the opportunity to do just that. In a Strategic Planning session we looked back on various events and accomplishments of the agency to guide us into a promising future for the participants, staff, families, and communities we serve.
To begin, the appreciation we have for the staff members and leadership at MSVI. From our newly restructured positions and scheduling, to continuing renovations within the group homes, to social media and programming activities and everything in between. Our staff deserves a standing ovation for all of the changes they have embraced this year without sacrificing the quality of care provided to participants! We look forward to celebrating with them December 19th at the Christmas party with participants and families.
We are also beyond happy with the outcome of the collective bargaining agreement! The partnership between our agency and the union continues to grow as we mutually work toward fair and equitable employment. Thanks to everyone from the community who came out to celebrate with us at the September BBQ where we had delegates from the Ministry, the union, the staff and the agency to mark the occasion by formally signing the agreement.
We would like to take a moment to specifically thank Ryan Calder and Jenna Hill for the time and effort they have put in at MSVI. These individuals came to us through a shared agreement with Mallard Diversified Services Inc as interim Executive Directors to roll up their sleeves and tackle the pressing matters needed to shift and position our agency for sustainability. Ryan and Jenna, we will be eternally grateful for the work you have done and the lessons you have taught us!
As Ryan and Jenna prepare to return to MDSI, we are collaborating on the recruitment of a new Executive Director for Mackenzie Society Ventures Incorporated. The successful candidate will require strong leadership skills, a solid knowledge of budgeting and finances in relation to the non-profit sector, exceptional people skills and motivation, and a passion to make a difference in the lives of our participants. The application process will open in January but please contact any member of the Board with questions.
With hearts full of gratitude for the lessons of 2024, we collectively look toward the future where our vision (all citizens, regardless of ability, are included as valued and contributing members of their community) starts to become a reality!
From the Board of Directors at MSVI, Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, we wish you all the best in the New Year!
Kim Sandager (Chair), Brandi Heskin (Vice Chair), Carla Lewis (Secretary), Bernadette Twerdoclib, Brittany Halkyard, Doreen Bochnuik & Lindsay Bashforth
May 17, 2024
The Board of Directors of Mackenzie Society Ventures Inc. informs its staff, members and general public of the resignation of Kyla Robinson as the Executive Director in the organization with effect immediately.
MSVI has collaborated with the Wadena agency, Mallard Diversified Services Inc, and are fortunate to have their Executive Director, Ryan Calder, help lead us as Interim Executive Director during this transition period in searching to fill the position. Over the next period of time, we will be conducting a search to find the next Executive Director. We are in the midst of a strong strategic planning process with the help of Mr. Calder and have a process in place to form a direction that is thoughtful and of a high standard for the entire organization.
The Board of Directors takes this opportunity to acknowledge the contribution made by Kyla Robinson during her employment and wishes her the best in her future endeavors.
Kim Sandager, Board Chair
Brandi Heskin, Board Vice Chair
Carla Lewis, Secretary
Brittany Halkyard
Shelly King-Kaminsky
Bernadette Twerdoclib
May 15, 2024
The Board of Directors would like to take this time to acknowledge all of our staff within the agency for all of their hard work and dedication to the organization during Disability Support Professionals Week this week.
Our agency wouldn't be the same without them and our appreciation for each and everyone of our staff members could move mountains. We thank them for all of their commitment to our mission and vision and we appreciate them!!
The Board of Directors
April 22, 2024
Happy Spring!!! On behalf of the Board of Directors we want to thank you for being a part of our community!!
We've been actively joining together for meetings every 2 weeks to discuss and update our Action items as per the organizational review presented to us last year. We have also been meeting regularly with the Ministry, SARC, and also Ryan Calder, the Executive Director for Wadena's agency Mallard Diversified Services Inc. We're busy collaborating with one another to ensure our Agency is moving in a direction that benefits our participants, participant families and community members.
It is our pleasure to announce a new director to our Board, Bernadette Twerdoclib, who has been an asset to our organization as not only a community member but a parent to one of our participants. We are seeing the benefit to having a family member of one of our participants on the Board as she brings new perspective and idea's to the table with every meeting. That being said, we are continuing in looking for caring & committed volunteers to join our Board as we continue to move forward and strategically position the Agency for ongoing success.
The Agency also held a garage sale last week, with a great success. The monies earned from this sale will go towards our Day Program where our participants enjoy a variety of activities including Karaoke and SINGO.
We're also actively updating some of our group homes with renovations that includes new flooring and bathroom updates. We find it important to keep our homes up to date to ensure not just safety for everyone but a welcoming environment for all of the individuals living in their homes.
We encourage anyone wishing to learn more about our approach to better MSVI on behalf of the review and for its future, to do so by reaching out to any of the directors on the board.
Kim Sandager, Board Chair
Brandi Heskin, Board Vice Chair
Carla Lewis, Secretary
Brittany Halkyard
Shelly King-Kaminsky
Bernadette Twerdoclib
December 22, 2023
Seasons Greetings!!! On behalf of the Board of Directors, we want to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year!
We've been busy around the board table and out and about recently! We had a blast at the Participant Christmas Party that was held on December 21st. Thank you to everyone that had a hand in the preparations (the food was SO YUMMY)! It was very nice to see the participants and their family and friends sharing in the joy of the Season!
Due to the strange weather we are having this year, the staff party was postponed but we look forward to spending time with all the available MSVI staff soon to celebrate their hard work and acknowledge their contributions to the Agency.
The Board continues to meet with the Ministry of Social Services and CLSD regularly and we are making progress addressing the action items identified in the review. Some renovations are currently taking place within our Group Homes with further plans to continue updates and necessary maintenance in the new year.
We've enjoyed meeting up and having conversations with parents about their experiences with MSVI. We continue to encourage others to reach out to any member of the Board or schedule time to attend an open forum at one of the regular meetings (our email addresses are listed below).
Additionally, if you or someone you know would be an asset to our group please let us know. We are looking for caring & committed volunteers to join our Board as we continue to move forward and strategically position the Agency for ongoing success.
If you don't already, make sure you follow Mackenzie Society Ventures Inc. on Facebook to see all the cool things the participants are up to! You can find a link to our Facebook page at the bottom of each page of our website to be redirected.
Sharon Karcha, Board Chair
Kim Sandager, Board Vice Chair
Carla Lewis, Secretary
Brandi Heskin
Brittany Halkyard
Shelly King-Kaminsky
October 19, 2023
On behalf of the Mackenzie Society Ventures Incorporated (MSVI) Board of Directors, we would like to provide an update on recent inquiries and events that are underway at the Agency.
On October 17th,2023, the Board of Directors, along with the Executive Director, met with representatives from the Ministry of Social Services and Community Living Service Delivery (CLSD) to discuss the findings of their recent organizational review. Twelve recommendations were brought forward in order to strengthen operations and ensure the provision of quality programs and services for MSVI participants.
The Board of Directors has accepted all twelve recommendations and will be working diligently to create both short-term and long-term action plans that will address the priorities needed to move forward. We sincerely thank all those that participated in the review process to provide the information necessary to launch these new objectives and action plans.
We would also like to announce that three new community members have recently joined the Board of Directors and they bring a variety of skills and experience to the table. Additionally, we will be implementing a Programming Allocation for participants involved in designated projects and activities. This initiative will be effective November 1st and ongoing for the remainder of the fiscal year where it will be reviewed to align with strategy and the participant’s person-centered plans.
We commit to more frequent communication with the community, staff and participants throughout this process. Please visit the website frequently for news, updates and activities.
Thank you for your patience as we work through this process! We invite your comments and feedback by emailing or by contacting any of the Board of Directors via their email addresses below.
Sharon Karcha, Board Chair
Kim Sandager, Board Vice Chair
Carla Lewis, Secretary
Brandi Heskin
Brittany Halkyard
Shelly King-Kaminsky
Copyright © Mackenzie Society Ventures Inc. All rights reserved.
Mackenzie Society Ventures Inc.
40 7th Street SE, Preeceville, SK
PO Box 983, Preeceville, SK S0A 3B0
Phone 306-547-3462 Fax 306-547-2282
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